

These past couple of weekends have been super busy for me so I haven't had much time to work on my own projects. It seems like once life dies down, we're just back to cleaning the house up again!

I've spent several hours each weekend sewing together penguin costumes for my friend's two kids. They turned out very cute and, actually, helped me gain some more sewing skills and a teensy bit more confidence. 

However, this weekend will be spent in the kitchen. I'm hoping to process some apples (into what, I'm not sure yet), make homemade bread, hummus, and marinara sauce.

I'm a little frustrated with myself because I put off processing our apples for so long (and didn't have room in the fridge), that they sat out on our counter and four-five of the twenty pounds we picked went bad and had to be thrown out. Grrr.

Now that November is almost here (where has the time gone??), its time to begin on my Christmas gift projects, begin Christmas card signing EARLY, and hopefully make us a duvet cover.

I'm really doubting that with two weekends out of town I will finish a duvet cover, but we shall see how it all goes.

Anyway, back to work.

I hope everyone has a good week. Any big projects coming up?


Five Things Friday

Here it is again! Five things that have brought me joy this week.

  1. Fitness. I bought a gym membership to the fitness center here on campus and my coworker and I have been going 4-5 days a week for two weeks! Go us!
  2. Electric throws. I love our electric blanket! Our goal is to keep the house set at 65 all winter. I think this throw is going to be vital.
  3. Fingerless mitts. Perfect for crocheting or working a project in, while keeping hands toasty.
  4. Seat warmers. Our new car has them. Wonderful for mornings in the 30s.
  5. T. Because he is always awesome. 

Have a great weekend everyone!


Its done!

Owl hat!

I finished this adorable little hat over the weekend. I'm really happy with how it turned out!


Five Things Friday

Hello! Its Friday once again. Yay!

You all know what that means, my list of five things that have brought me joy this week.

I'm currently crocheting a birthday gift for my friend's son. He's turning 1 in three weeks. I can't wait to see him in this little owl hat! Pattern & Photo: Lion Brand Yarn

  1. Instant cappuccino mixed into my morning coffee. Not the healthiest, but delicious. :)
  2. Trivia nights! 
  3.  T. He drops me off, right at my building, every morning. Its the little things.
  4. Warm kitty snuggles.
  5. Pumpkin butter in my oatmeal. There is only one word: YUM.

I hope everyone had a wonderful week.

Now, it's weekend time! Woo-hoo!

Clearing the Excess: Makeup Bag

The other day I realized I had a whole bag of makeup items that sat under my sink, not being used.

Now, I'm a pretty regular makeup wearer (when I get up in time!), but I don't use loads of products. I have a few basics that I wear several times a week, and then there's the rest. I also have quite a few items that are over 4 years, there's that.

Anyway, I had two identical makeup bags. One that sits out and I actually use stuff from, the other sits under my sink. I rarely use stuff from here and usually chalk it up to being "special occasion" makeup. Denial is fun.

So, I unloaded everything onto my counter. I split it into 3 piles: Basics, Special occasion (for real), and never will ever use/so old it's gross.

I tried to be honest here. Because even though the idea of sparkly violet eyeshadow appeals to me in some way, it's NOT my style. Accept it, move on.

Things I use regularly.

Things I don't use often, but do, in fact, use on the right occasion.

Items that were dried out or I keep telling myself I will use, but I don't.

Next, I tossed all the "don't use" stuff, cleaned out the makeup bags, and put everything back into one.

The other cleaned out makeup bag will go to Goodwill.

This was another easy thing (and was partially brought on by a need for new mascara), but its something.

Plus, looking at your get rid of pile, lets you see what you should shy away from in the future. For me it seems to be lip products (4 out of 9 total things!), like tinted balms and glosses.

Anyway, easy-peasy and now I have more room under my bathroom sink!