I live a good life. I have an awesome husband (referred to here as T), wonderful family, and all of my needs (and many of my wants) are met. I spend my spare time watching Netflix (not the best use of my time), reading books, and doing Pinterest projects as frugally as I can. I like to bake, don't mind cooking too much, and think camping is pretty fun too. My life is blessed in many ways!
So why the Grouchy Girl? Well, for starters I think T can tell you that I'm not always a ray of sunshine, in fact, sometimes I'm a complete and total Oscar. My theory is that my behaviors and mindset are ultimately putting me in a grouchy mood. I watch too much TV, I'm grouchy. I'm starving TO DEATH (I often think I'm pretty close to death when hungry), I'm grouchy. I have to do dishes again, I'm grouchy. The thing is, I honestly feel like a terrible partner and friend when I'm grouching life away. So, the goal of this blog is to document some of the changes I am making to become less of an angry blah and more of a happy, if still sarcastic, me.
Random Facts:
- Love crossword puzzles and do them in pen.
- Hate raw onions. And sauerkraut. BLEH. Gross!
- Love Jeopardy, but not an Alex Trebek fan.
- Huge geek! I love shows like Battlestar Galactica....and any type of fairytale re-telling. (Tin Man, anyone? 10th Kingdom? Just me?)
- I have never been on Twitter. I refuse to do so, on principle.
PS - I hate grammar mistakes, but I make them all the time. My goal with this blog isn't to be perfect. Life is messy, so is my grammar. Deal.
Hi, stopped by to read a few of your posts! Looks like you have a pretty busy life! And yes, I totally agree about life being messy (: Any big projects in the works?