
Five Things Friday

Another week passed, counting down to Friday the entire way. That's normal, right?

Earlier in the summer, we got our patio all gussied up and we still haven't spent much time out there. I blame mosquitoes. And heat. And mosquitoes....did I say mosquitoes already?

Patio with the lights lit up.

Pardon the complete randomness, my mind is all jumbled right now.

I just need this work day to be over.

Sooner, rather than later.

No matter how jumble-y my mind is,  I've still got 5 things that brought me joy this week.

  1. T. He knows how to make me un-grouchy. Well, most of the time...
  2. Planning. Planning makes me happy...I have less worries when planning happens.
  3. Ice cream with bananas. Yum.
  4. Walking. Around the neighborhood. To the store. Wherever, just walking.
  5. Learning to crochet. I shouldn't feel bad about watching 3 hours of TV if my hands were busy during it, right?
I hope everyone had a less foggy week than I did!

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