
Meditation Challenge: Week Two

So, I'm going this meditation challenge in an effort to be less grouchy and more relaxed.

I'm still failing at fully meditating. Here's what I should be doing:
  • Completely clearing my mind
  • Focusing on breathing
  • Not thinking of anything; nothing, nada, zilch
My brain does not seem to function this way. Can type-A personalities ever clear their minds completely?? I was warned that meditation would be hard. It takes focus and work (to relax?). I just didn't really want more work.

Here's what I've ended up doing:
  • Being by myself, outside if possible
  • Listening to nature
  • Thinking about life
  • Forcing my mind away from worries
In a way it's working, afterwards I always feel more relaxed and happy. I just don't think I can call it meditation.... Maybe a zen time? I don't know, but I like it.

So, from here on out, I'll be taking my little time-outs, but maybe not working so hard to meditate.

Anybody else try meditation? Meditate all the time? I'd love to hear your experiences.


  1. I'm really bad at quieting my mind down...and sitting still :) But I've found that I'm generally more able to be still and relax during the shavasana (corpse pose) at the very end of yoga, because I've been focusing inward and listening to my body for an hour by then. I think I would call it zen time, too - maybe that's the best we A-types can go for!

    1. Good to know that there is someone else out there who just can't quite silence their mind. :)

      I had noticed that by the end of yoga I'm pretty relaxed and unstressed...I just haven't done yoga in about a year! I need to get back into it.


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