
Five Things Friday

Photo Source: The Grindstone

That photo about sums it up.

But not only is it Friday, its also my birthday! I love it when birthdays fall on Fridays, don't you?

This week has been pretty excellent, if you ignore the going to bed late every night thing. Of course, I'm still glad it's Friday.

As usual, here are my five joyful things from this week.

  1. T got me a TARDIS mug and a Doctor Who shirt. Plus, he got candy corn season rolling early. Best husband ever? I think so.
  2. Soccer games and friends...Oh, and nachos. And hard cider.
  3. Indian food tonight. YUM YUM YUM.
  4. Packages. Wonderful gifts have been arriving by mail all week. I have such a great family. :)
  5. Windows open weather. Fall is approaching and, holy cow, am I ready!
I hope everyone had a good week and has an even better weekend!


  1. Happy birthday! My husband has gotten me on the Dr. Who bandwagon as well. Geronimo!

  2. Happy Birthday!! I hope you have a great night celebrating :)

  3. a little late, but happy birthday WEEKEND! :)


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